One of the guys is tying the knot and there’s no going back. However, you have one more chance to party with the boys and have a ton of fun. This is supposed to be a night to remember for the bachelor and for his friends as well. It is the time when you remember all the other nightouts and fun times you’ve had together.
Of course, you aren’t saying goodbye to each other it is a symbolic salute because once you get married things change a bit for everyone involved. If you’re in charge for organizing a bachelor night, you need to be at the top of your game. It should be a party to remember and this is something everyone will talk about in the years to come.
But what should you know before you embark on such a journey? Here are a couple of tips you need to have in mind for a memorable bachelor night.
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Strippers are a must!

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Not every bachelor night is celebrated with some strippers around. In fact, most of them are just a couple of friends drinking and listening to music. But is that memorable? Not really! If you want to create a night to remember a couple of strippers need to show up. They will really warm up the crowd and create a great show. If you don’t know where to look for them or what to expect in terms of service, check out for more insight. In a majority of cases, guys love to see hot girls dancing and stripping, and this is a special occasion and a casual event. Why not have some fun?
Consult with a groom-to-be

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The most important thing is to keep the groom happy and throw a party which he will be satisfied with. This party can be a surprise, but you could still ask around and start a conversation regarding bachelor’s nights and feel out the terrain.
See how he feels and what he thinks about those. If the groom-to-be want a small gathering, make it so. Call only the closest friends and don’t make it a massive event. If he says “NO” to strippers, don’t listen. Agree, but do the otherwise.
Create a plan

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Once you’ve gathered intelligence, you can create a general plan of the event. This isn’t going to be some Hangover type of a party where a couple of guys go to Vegas and end up sleeping with the Mike Tyson’s tiger.
You need a general idea. What time do you start? How many drinks to buy? What about the music? Is a DJ the best solution, or you should hire some band to play, etc. These are only some of the questions to answer but it is an important step of organizing a bachelor’s and it gives you an idea of what’s to come.

Source: ushplash
And what’s to come is budget. This might turn out to be the most problematic thing to do. A lot of people would like to show up and enjoy the party, but not everyone wants to pay up. As someone who organizes a party, you need to check out with a couple of close friends what the acceptable budget would be. Not everyone is willing to give hundreds of dollars for a party and not everyone may feel close to the future groom.
Ideally, every person who’s coming to the party should chip in. That is the best scenario possible, because you cannot finance everything and it wouldn’t be so wise.
Set a date

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It is important to organize the party before the wedding. Once you know the date of the wedding you can start planning a party. There are a couple of options here. You can organize the party one day before the wedding, which makes it really exciting but it could be too much to handle. Remember that the wedding is way more important and you want everyone to look their best.
Therefore, it is better to throw a party a few days before the wedding. It is a perfect time for it because people can have a couple of drinks if they want to and still look fresh at the reception.
Send out invitations

Source: unsplash
It is important to inform the people about the party properly. If you plan on inviting a large number of friends and colleagues, you should send invitations. These cards don’t have to look anything spectacular, but not everyone will be organizing a party although they take part financially. They need to know when to come and inviting them formally gives this night something extra.
Make sure everyone has a good time

Source: unsplash
While you also want to enjoy the bachelor’s night, you want to make sure everyone is settled first and has everything they need. Once you realize that everything goes according to plan, you can relax and join in. However, make sure you follow through. Mingle through the crowd see if there’s anything missing and see if there’s something they might need.
Organizing a bachelor’s party can be really stressful and not everything might go as planned. But having any kind of plan is much better than having no plan at all. Be prepared at all times, because something is bound to happen that you didn’t anticipate – someone may cancel, the reservations could be called off. In this case, you need to react timely and fix everything that pops up.
If you’re ever in doubt what you should do, you can always revisit your plan and make adjustments. Organizing a bachelor’s night isn’t something that’s set in stone and you cannot stick to the plan 100 percent. Keep this article in front of you if you have any doubts about the way to go about it!